Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Curtains,Veils, Vapors and Cheap Halloween Decorating Fun

Crowd Pleasing Halloween Multi-Media Products that Thrill Everyone!
Those cheapskates out there in home-improvement have unintentionally created some great things to re-purpose for Halloween. One of the cheapest and my favorite is clear plastic drop cloth. They keep making it thinner and thinner and thinner. Which makes it perfect for super inexpensive Halloween fluff.  (Never ever use this to put over people's heads for Halloween ghost costumes or anything at all. Don't be a dead dummy this Halloween...instead...use it on dummies!) You can use it for curtains or on props. It's whispy and perfect for blowing....use a couple fans to blow it about. Shred it for hanging curtains. Drape it over the props to add an eerie ectoplasmic layer. Make sure you have a nearby fan to make the dead tissue come alive! Look for the thinnest cloth available. Anything over 1 millimeter is  too thick and too heavy to blow and flutter. I found three giant sheets of .7 mil plastic drop-cloth for a dollar 30 at Wal-mart. This is the most bang per Halloween buck you can have outside of the totally free stuff like tree limbs. Cheap plastic sheets for Halloween. That's a wrap!
For more awesome Halloween Boo-It-Yourself Easy Projects, visit The Boo-It-Yourself BLOG!

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